
This article does not cover the settings in next.js because the next.js documentation is quite complete here

Create React App, Vite.js

The routing is based on react-router-dom (version 6).

In this page you will find how to add new routes and how we handle existing routes.

You can find the template's router configuration in src/routes/sections/index.js contains all routes of our template.

Add a new item navigation

Apply version CRA, Vite.js, Next.js.

export const navConfig = [
    title: 'Home',
    path: '/',
    title: 'About',
    path: '/about',
    title: 'New Page',
    path: '/new-page',
    title: 'Pages',
    path: '/pages',
    children: [
        subheader: 'Nested',
        items: [
          { title: 'item 1', path: '/pages/item-1' },
          { title: 'item 2', path: '/pages/item-2' },

Add a new route

Apply version CRA, Vite.js.

import { lazy } from 'react';
const NewPage = lazy(() => import('src/pages/NewPage'));
export default function Router() {
  return useRoutes([
      element: (
          <Outlet />
      children: [
        { path: <HomePage />, index: true }, // => '/'
        { path: 'new-page', element: <NewPage /> }, // => '/new-page'
          path: 'pages',
          children: [
            { element: <Pages />, index: true }, // => '/pages'
            { path: 'color', element: <ColorPage /> }, // => '/pages/color'
      element: (
          <Outlet />
      children: [
        { path: <DashboardPage />, index: true }, // => '/dashboard'
        { path: 'new', element: <DashboardNewPage /> }, // => '/dashboard/new'
          path: 'user',
          children: [
            { element: <UserPage />, index: true }, // => '/dashboard/user'
            { path: 'list', element: <UserListPage /> }, // => '/dashboard/user/list'
            { path: 'edit', element: <UserEditPage /> }, // => '/dashboard/user/edit'

import Link from '@mui/material/Link';
import { RouterLink } from 'src/routes/components';
<Link component={RouterLink} href="/new" underline="none" variant="subtitle2">
  Go to About us

const navConfig = [
    subheader: 'Marketing',
    items: [
        title: 'Landing',
        path: '/landing',
        icon: <Iconify icon="carbon:bat" width={1} />,
        roles: ['admin'],
        caption: 'Display only admin role',
        title: 'Services',
        path: '/services',
        icon: <Iconify icon="carbon:cyclist" width={1} />,
        roles: ['admin', 'user'],

Set the index page

Set default page when visit website.

export default function Router() {
  return useRoutes([
    // Set index page with skip home page
      path: '/',
      element: <Navigate to={PATH_AFTER_LOGIN} replace />,
    // Set index page with home page
      path: '/',
      element: (
          <Outlet />
      children: [{ element: <HomePage />, index: true }],